Autism Resource List
The Dan Marino Foundation provides these resources for informational purposes only and as a starting point for your own research. The Dan Marino Foundation does not recommend or endorse any particular organizations, treatments, services, or programs.
Governmental Services
211 Hotline: Phone: Dial 211
211 is a free, confidential referral and information helpline and website that connects people of all ages to the essential health and human services, 24 hours per day, seven days a week.
Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) – Medwaiver
APD works in partnership with local communities and private providers to assist people with developmental disabilities and their families by identifying needs and providing funding for supports and services.
APD Resource Directory
Health Insurance
Quality, affordable health and dental insurance for children from birth through age 18. Florida children are eligible for coverage, even if one or both parents are working.
CareerSource Florida
CareerSource Florida is the statewide workforce policy and investment board. Partnering with the Department of Economic Opportunity, 24 local workforce development boards and 100 career centers throughout Florida, CareerSource Florida connects businesses to the talented workforce and training needed to succeed and grow.
The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF)
This state agency helps individuals and families with food assistance to maintain and promote good health. It also provides medical assistance to families and individuals to cover or assist with their medical needs. Contact DCF with any issues related to your application for Food Assistance and Medicaid.
Phone: (866) 762-2237
Helps people to understand whether or not they qualify for Medicaid and how to apply. Provided by Affordable Health Insurance.
Protection & Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security (PABSS)
The PABSS Program helps people with disabilities who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and have a disability-related employment issue. PABSS advocates provide legal support, advocacy, and information to assist beneficiaries to resolve employment-related concerns.
Phone: (850) 422-9071 or (800) 342-0823
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Coordinates and conducts public outreach on work incentives in local areas; Provides and oversees training on Social Security’s employment support programs for all personnel at SSA offices; Handles sensitive or high-profile disability work-issue cases.
(800) 772-1213
Ticket to Work Program
The Ticket to Work Program is a free and voluntary program that can help Social Security beneficiaries get a good job that may lead to a career and become financially independent, all while they keep their Medicare or Medicaid benefits.
Phone: (866) 968-7842
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation is a federal-state program that helps people who have physical or mental disabilities get and keep a job. VR is committed to helping people with disabilities find meaningful careers.
Phone: (800)451-4327
Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)
The Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) Program assists SSA’s beneficiaries with disabilities to make informed choices about work. Each WIPA Project has Community Work Incentive Coordinators (CWICs) who will provide work incentives planning and assistance directly to beneficiaries to assist them in their employment efforts. WIPA services can be obtained through Vocational Rehabilitation.
Workforce Florida
These agencies are one-stop centers which provide job search assistance including job listings, workshops on resume writing and interviewing skills, and information about programs and other assistance for job seekers.
Non-Profit Organizations
Autism Society of America
Search Engine: Autism Source – Locates local resources throughout the US.
Phone: (800) 328-8476
Autism Society of Florida
Phone: (407) 207-3388
Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD)
Services are free and include lectures, trainings, support groups, referrals, and some individual technical assistance.
Lighthouse for the Blind
The mission of the Lighthouse for the Blind is to provide vision rehabilitation and eye health services that promote independence, educate professionals, and conduct research in related fields.
Broward: – (954) 463-4217
Miami: – (305) 856-2288
Palm Beach: – (561) 586-5600
United Way
A statewide association representing Florida’s 29 United Ways on legislative and administrative issues, training, and disaster preparation, response, and recovery issues.
The Children’s Trust Find A Program
The largest funder of after-school, youth enrichment, and summer camp programs in Miami-Dade County. The Children’s Trust also offers a wide range of resources for pregnancy and parenting, health insurance access, quality early learning, and health and nutrition information, services for children with special needs, youth employment, and more. Find listings for childcare, after-school, summer camp, and other programs in the directories linked below.
Children’s Services Council of Broward County (CSC)
The CSC’s mission is to provide leadership, advocacy, and resources necessary to enhance he lives of the children of Broward County and empower them to become responsible, productive adults through collaborative planning and funding of a continuum of quality care.
Vocational Training/Education/Support
Provides rehabilitation, medical, educational, and supportive services to children and adults with developmental disabilities.
Ann Storck Center
Programs in a group ratio of 1:3 with emphasis on motor skills, vocational skills, sensory stimulation, recreation, and life skills.
Center for Independent Living (CIL)
Provides persons with disabilities with information about programs and services available in the community that can assist with independence and self-sufficiency.
Easter Seals Vocational Services
Offers job trainings and employment that includes comprehensive vocational evaluations to determine job potential and readiness.
Ernie Els Foundation
Committed to better understanding the aspirations of people with autism spectrum disorder and helping them to fulfill their potential of leading positive, productive, and rewarding lives.
Friendship Circle
Program that offers social, recreational, and educational opportunities. The adult life skills program provides adults with special needs an immersive, real-world environment where they can practice critical life and job skills.
Goodwill Industries
Provides community training and extended follow-up for individuals with developmental disabilities for job placement.
Goodman Jewish Family Services – Joshua’s Path
Supports, educates, and empowers adults in the neurodiverse community as well as their families and caregivers by providing consultations, a comprehensive website for community relations, free educational seminars, and pathways to employment through social skills and work training.
HAAPE promotes a society that includes employment opportunities for people with autism through education and employment programming.
McFatter Technical College (MTC)
Students can be industry credentialed and work in a wage-earning job, obtain college credits, and be prepared to attend a 4-year college or university. MTC assures students with disabilities equal access as described in Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA).
Schott Communities
Programming integrates personal growth and development, educational and artistic experiences, socialization, counseling, religious formation, and residential care to enrich the lives of individuals in our community.
Seahawk NEST Academy
Three-year inclusive post-secondary program designed to prepare students with intellectual disabilities for employment.
Seahawk NEST Academy (Navigating Education for Student Transition)
Sheridan Technical College (STC)
Offers career programs in various fields such as automotive, cosmetology, construction, culinary, and more.
STC assures students with disabilities equal access as described in Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA).
United Community Options
Adult Developmental Training/Adult Vocational Supported Employment: Provides education and training in independent living skills to adults with disabilities. Services include physical, speech, and occupational therapy. Transportation is provided to and from the centers. Provides vocational training and places clients in supported employment throughout the community.
Victory Living
Offers supported independent living programs that place clients in their own individual apartments and programming to assist clients with employment, living skills, and socializing with their peers.
Employers/Volunteer Organizations
Rising Tide Carwash
A scalable social enterprise with the primary mission to employ adults with autism.
Phone: (754) 212-4765
ScentsAbility’s mission is to provide job training, employment, and supported housing to young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through learning about the candle-making/marketing business.
Phone: (954) 234-4405
The Chocolate Spectrum
Family owned and operated artisan chocolate company that trains and employs individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities.
Hands On Organization
Search engines for volunteer opportunities.
Broward: – (954)233-1300
Miami: – (305)504-4510
Leisure and Recreation
Ability Online
Providing youth with disabilities, parents, and professionals a secure online experience that removes social barriers and promotes independence, respect, acceptance, and inclusion.
Artists with Autism
Provides ARTrepreneur training through a Microenterprise Program Focus On Positive Abilities (FOPA) and offer retail sales experiences in a real art gallery with free exhibit space.
Phone: (954) 895-2786
Autism Theater Project
Strives to help youth, especially those with disabilities, learn how to express and communicate emotions and thoughts through artistic expression.
Best Buddies
Best Buddies International is a nonprofit organization consisting of volunteers who create opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Challenged Athletes Foundation
Challenged Athletes Foundation’s vision is to be a recognized leader in a movement through which physically challenged athletes are accepted and respected at the same level as able-bodied athletes, to have a great and significant impact on each athlete served, and to reach out to this community by providing inspiration, awareness, and mentoring.
Dave and Mary Alper Jewish Community Center
Offers programs for children, teens, and adults with cognitive and/or physical disabilities. Programs include a fully inclusive Summer Camp, Winter Mini-Camp, Spring Mini-Camp, and No-School Holidays.
Phone: (305) 271-9000 x. 243
David Posnack Jewish Community Center
Giborim U is a program for children, teens and adults with special needs. Programs include courses in fitness, the arts, sports, recreation, life skills, and health and wellness.
Phone: (954) 343-0499 x.326
Parks and Recreation
Provides persons with intellectual and physical challenges equal access to community-based recreational, leisure, and cultural activities, enhance their quality of life, and inspire confidence and self-esteem, and foster independence.
Broward: – (954) 357-8170
Miami: – (305) 960-4962
Palm Beach:,sports%2C%20and%20social%20skill%20development. – (561) 966-7020
The Social Cog
Provides quality social and intellectual opportunities to independently functioning adults with autism spectrum disorders and creates a vital community where friendships are made and lifelong social skills are developed.
Special Olympics
Provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-style sports for children and adults with developmental disabilities.
The Friendship Journey
Programs are designed to deliver services and opportunities to children and young adults with special needs and their families while offering support and volunteer roles for young people looking to give back.
Programs are committed to youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility for people of all ages.
Para-transit Services
In addition to fixed-route public transportation, local county (and in some cases city) governments provide para-transit services for individuals with disabilities which may include travel training on how to use public transportation and door-to-door transportation services.
Palm Beach:
Post-Secondary Transition Internet Resources
Project 10
Assists Florida school districts and relevant stakeholders in building capacity to provide secondary transition services to students with disabilities in order to improve their academic success and post-school outcomes.
FYI Transition
Offers career advice to students who are getting ready to graduate.
Partners in Transition
The Partners in Transition initiative was spearheaded by the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council to create a strategic plan that will guide policymakers and practitioners in systematically addressing the major challenges and critical issues regarding transition services in the State of Florida.
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy should be a world in which autistic people enjoy equal access, rights, and opportunities.
Family Network on Disabilities – Florida (FND)
FND is a grassroots organization for persons with disabilities and their families that is family-centered and family-driven.
Residential Options
ARC Jacksonville Village
The ARC Jacksonville Village is an affordable, independent living neighborhood designed to maximize community inclusion for adults with intellectual and developmental differences.
College Living Experience
A post-secondary program for students who require additional support with academic, social, and independent living skills.
Foundation for Independent Living
A private, not-for-profit, independent living community for adults with intellectual disabilities and developmental delays located in Coconut Creek, FL. They offer daily programming, residential support, and vocational assistance.
Jewish Association for Residential Care (JARC)
Offers group homes, apartments, and vocational training for adults with developmental disabilities.
Phone: (561) 558-2550
Promise in Brevard
Designed to provide affordable, independent housing for individuals with cognitive and physical disabilities utilizing public and private partnerships to develop a model community.
Quest Village
Quest Village is a residential community designed for independent adults with developmental disabilities.
ROAR Florida
ROAR Florida was founded to provide meaningful lifestyle options and housing for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities.